Saturday, September 7, 2013

postheadericon Kevin Porter The Batman We Want!

Zuk Comics artist Peq Pit is a big fan of the Bat In The Sun fan films, directed by Aaron Schoenke, Kevin Porter is the actor who plays the roll of Batman, he does it in a way that nobody does. He is the living image of Batman! His portrayal of the Caped Crusader is much better than many of the hollywood movies out there, and now that everybody knows who is gonna be the next Batman, our artist wanted to dedicate an artwork to the great Kevin Porter, the Batman we want!!!
 Peq Pit had the oportunity to have a little chat with Kevin on Facebook, and show to him the artwork, for the surprise of our artist, Kevin replied that he loved the artwork and even posted on his Facebook fan page. It`s a shame that we can not see him in action in the next Man Of Steel movie, but thanks to Bat In The Sun we can watch him kicking criminal asses all over Gotham, giving us the best performance we can have of Batman. They are working on a new flick and we all are waiting to see our hero in action once again! Thank you Kevin and thank you Aaron!!!

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